Thursday, April 2, 2009


Know what’s great about Oregon? You can get away with things that you never could in other states. Case in point: chicken. I can buy one good-sized whole chicken and have it two nights for dinner. Then, I boil all the bones and skin and make broth. But wait, the water I use is from the pasta, already salted, a bit starchy and perfect for soup, and I’ll throw in any unused bits of onion, celery or carrot if I have them. Then after the broth has simmered for a couple hours, I drain it and freeze my precious broth in ice cube trays which I later transfer to a reused zip-lock bag so I can refill the trays. It makes thawing quicker and allows me to use small amounts if I need to such as in Thai peanut sauce or my super-favorite tomato soup. (Recipe forthcoming.)Then, I feed all the pot leavings to the chickens. I know; I make the Frugal Gourmet look extravagant. In some states I would be criticized as being cheap, but in Oregon, I’m praised as being green.

More on chickens later, but for now suffice it to say that Frittata, Omlette and Poachie are happy as pigs in mud.